2 Girls In The Market
Two girls, two markets, one universal truth: Finding love and finding a house are equally messy—but so is the rest of life. Join real estate agents Amber Haley and Rebekah Daniels as they dive into the realities of being a woman today. From navigating relationships (romantic and otherwise) to owning your choices in life and career, no topic is off-limits. Through real stories and conversations, they’ll leave you laughing, thinking, and feeling ready to take on whatever life throws your way—no matter which market you’re in.
2 Girls In The Market
1. 2GITM The Pilot
The girls are finally doing it—welcome to the very first episode of 2 Girls in the Market! Amber and Bekah kick things off with a fun and real conversation about what it means to be "in the market." Whether it’s navigating life, real estate, or dating, they’re here to share their stories and experiences, and it doesn’t matter if you're single, married, or anywhere in between—there’s something for everyone. You’ll hear how they met, bonded over similar (and hilarious) life situations, and why they believe in the power of female friendship. They dive into why the dating market and real estate market have way more in common than you think, and set the tone for what’s to come—lots of laughs, real talk, and plenty of girl-in-the-market moments. Tune in for a fresh, fun start to the journey!
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You can have ambition, but not tomorrow. If I lived feminine, I would not be taken seriously. I'm doing it. Doing it live. Doing it live. I can't believe we're finally doing this. It's been weeks in the making. Weeks in the making? Really a lifetime in the making. It's true. From the moment that we were born, this is what we were meant to do. This is where we were meant to be. Exactly. We're making a podcast together. Hey to everybody listening, welcome to our very first episode of Two Girls in the Market. Yes! Becca, what in the world are we doing here today? Honestly, who knows? Oh boy. Still figuring that out. Just like I'm trying to figure out my life just in general. No. We're here to talk about. What it's like to be a girl in the market, and it doesn't really matter like what age you are, what stage of life you're in. Married, single, at the end of the day, we're all just girls in the market. So this is definitely a podcast that is centering women and our experiences in real estate. So the market of real estate, and also if you are a single, The dating market, because if you haven't figured this out yet, there are a lot of parallels. That's right. So my name is Amber Haley. I am a real estate agent coming to you today from the beautiful big Island of Hawaii. We're both real estate agents in the market. And I am joined by, do you want to introduce yourself? I'm Rebecca Daniels in the PNW, more specifically, Washington State, in the Puget Sound area. If you're familiar with Washington, beautiful views of Mount Rainier, which is a volcano that could blow up at any moment, but definitely not as active as you're hoping. Hawaii volcanoes. Oh, man. We're just coming to you from some active volcanoes right now. Anything could happen. We are live. Anything could happen. Oh my goodness. So we have been talking about doing this podcast for weeks, but really probably the content that we're going to be talking about is stuff from our entire lives as women. And then we've been in the real estate industry. I've been in the real 10 years now. How long have you been doing real estate? Same. This is my 10th year. Same. Wow. Okay, so I think it's important that maybe we back up a little bit and tell everybody the story of Becca and Amber. Oh, it's such a good story. It's such a good one. Wait, are we gonna tell them, are we telling them the real, unabridged version, or are we, uh, just being like, oh, we met at a conference and leaving it there? Maybe a little in between. Let's give them a little in between. We gotta save some content for season two of Two Girls on the Market. So we can't give them all of the tea right now. But we gotta give them a little bit of the story of Becca and Amber. Which, we have not even known each other a year. Can you believe that? No, it feels like a lifetime. Yeah. So we met in 2023, which was last year. Cause it is 2024. Currently I'm like, wait, I know it's nuts. So we actually met at a real estate conference. So one of the fun things that I have been doing over the last. I've been a transition phase of life, and I know you've been in some career and life transitions over the last years as well. It's one of the things we bonded over, but I've been going to more real estate events. So that is how you and I met. And it's funny because I feel like we should have met sooner than we did, actually, we could have, we could have met in October at the real conference, the one real, the first annual conference for our brokerage, because we were both there and we actually, yeah, we apparently became Facebook friends. That's right. I totally forgot. I don't know that we met or I don't know, but somehow we became Facebook friends, didn't remember each other. And then we met at the airport in San Antonio or Austin. I don't remember where. Houston. Houston. Houston, Texas. Houston, we have a problem. That's right. So we met at a, a conference for real estate agents and it's a funny story. We found ourselves in a very similar phase of life. Yeah, we were having some, I would call them maybe just to shorten the story so that we're not here for three hours today retelling things for the audience, but maybe like we found ourselves in a couple of situation ships, which you said. Yeah, I think I feel like they were deeper than situationships, but so yeah, we were both in these long distance Situations where we were we hadn't really defined the relationship or anything with these guys who were also real estate They were also real estate agents. Yes, and we were all going to be at the same conference together And we had plans to see our guys and hang out with our guys while we were there and then we broke up or ended things, you know, whatever, whatever you call it, who, who even knows? Yeah, but yeah, so I don't know exactly your timeline. I feel like mine was maybe like a couple weeks before I was like, this is not going to be, this is not going to be a thing. Should I even go? I don't know. My other plans were falling through. I. Then reached out to our friend who is a mutual friend of ours. And I said, I may or may not go to this conference. It's just not really working out with my life, but I might last minute want to go. Do you know somebody, can I room with you? And she said, I have this friend named Becca and she started describing you a little bit. And she was trying to protect your privacy and not give away too much. And so she just started describing things in big terms. And I was like, wow, this sounds like my life. Are you sure you're not telling me about my life? And then I had a horrifying thought for a minute of, of, it, it sounds like me and this Becca person might have been dating the same guy, because this is so similar. I feel like I'm going through something that maybe other people wouldn't understand, this long distance, like, situation, and now it's ending in this weird way, and I don't know, but it sounds like what is being described to me about this girl, Becca, is like the, It's not exactly the same, it wasn't the same thing, you didn't have the same situation, but it was. It was, yeah, it was our first time seeing both of these people. In person, since everything Ended. Yeah, oh joy, yeah. Even if it had been the same guy, I still think that we would have gotten on really well, I think we would have bonded even more over that, it wouldn't have been a, Oh my gosh, I can't believe that you were seeing the same guy as me at the same time, type of situation. Yeah, interestingly enough, and that just speaks to the power of female friendship, because Becca and I had these situationships, they ended, and for whatever reason, I truly believe maybe it happened to bring us together, but because that, because, It became this messy thing. There was supposed to be, yeah, there was supposed to be a love story at that conference. It just, it was the love story of Becca and Amber. It wasn't the love story with these guys. It was the greatest love story that's ever been told. And really is a testament to the underrated power and value of female friendship. Yes, I remember at the moment that we realized that we had both been through a similar situation because I didn't know everything. And so I think it was after we had seen my person and I was just girl talk. What was the vibe? Was that weird? I need to, I need to get an opinion. It was a kind of you had just seen the guy. Yeah. And then you opened up about your whole thing. And then we just started talking about. Love and relationships, but then we also got into life and experiences and values and that's been this ongoing conversation and we've really found a lot of things that we align on. There's a lot of things that we maybe don't align on entirely because we do have different backgrounds and viewpoints on things, but I think at the core of it all, we. Really value and appreciate women. And we want to help elevate women's voices and our experiences and share all the ins and outs of whether you are married or single, old, or young, been in the business a year, 10 years, 20 years, whatever the case may be. There's a lot of overlap in what we've all gone through, what we've all seen. And at the end of the day, we're all just. Girls in the market. Oh, I love that. We're all just girls in the market having girls in the market moments. Have you had girls in the market moments lately? Because this is a place where we're going to be sharing stories about life and love and real estate and being a woman in business. I don't think I told you about this. This happened the other day. Where I started this accountability partner thing with Nate. He's one of our friends who's also a realtor, obviously. So it's the beginning of the year, we're going to do our accountability call and I text him. I'm like, Hey, it's 30 minutes before our call. I was like, Hey, ready for our call. And I don't hear anything back from him. And then the time passes that we're supposed to chat. And I'm like, okay, that's really weird that he didn't text back, didn't call like nothing. So then I go to open up my text to. Look at I'm like, oh wait, I forgot that I renamed Nate to Nathan Potato in my phone. Don't ask. And the person that I actually texted was Nate from Hinge. Nate from Hinge! Nate from Hinge. This is a girl in the moment problem. No. Or girl in the market. This is a girl in the market moment problem. A girl in all the markets. Now here's the thing. Nate from Hinge, I had not spoken to him since December of 2022. It has been a full year since I've spoken to this man. The last thing I had sent him was, yeah, let's set up a call for next week. And then I don't think I ever spoke to him again after that, so then my next text is a year later. Ready for our call? Wow. I wonder if he thinks you ghosted him. This is hilarious. Becca. Okay. So you mixed up Nate from Hinge a long time ago. Apparently we just. I don't Faded away with Nate, who is our colleague at our brokerage. Yeah, that's pretty funny. And it's, this is a classic moment. This is a classic phone conversation. I feel like you and I would have, and a reason we're making this podcast. So we really bonded over the fact that the dating market and the real estate market have a lot of parallels. So while we're here today to talk about issues that affect all women, because you and I are both. Single. Married. We just happen to be single at this time. We happen to be in our 30s running these solo little empires in our own real estate markets. We just keep finding these girl in the market moments. It sounds like you got full roster problems over there. Yes, I probably need to delete some people out of the roster. I can't believe you did that. Just delete them from my phone. Send them to a graveyard. I don't know. You know what? It's an easy mistake to make. Yeah. This is why I put emojis next to people's names, but I think I need to put the emoji at the beginning of the name instead of the end of the name so that when I'm not paying attention to what I'm doing, I don't text men from the dating apps that I don't actually want to talk to again. Whoops. Wait, did we hear yet? Did he respond? He did and he's like, I have a girlfriend and I'm like, I'm so sorry this was not meant for you. And he's thinking, sure. Yeah. Sure. That wasn't meant for me. Sure. He's like, you're totally just trying to save face. Yeah. I can. Never talk to this man again. This is so funny. Oh my goodness. And was this a guy from Hinge back in Florida or where you live now in Washington? No, Sierra in Washington. Wow. Okay. So Rebecca Daniels is a Washington realtor, but she's also licensed in Florida. So she's basically from Florida and I'm Basically, even though I'm on the Big Island of Hawaii from California. So that might alone tell you a little bit about us and our backgrounds right there. We just keep moving west. That's all we're doing. Yes, we keep moving. But what I love about us is we share so many not only silly. Similar funny situations in our life, our love lives, our business lives, and all of that. But we also share a lot of really core values, but sometimes we have like different beliefs and ways of getting there. So I think people are going to like hearing our different viewpoints on different issues as well. What do you think? I think so. We. You're a feminist, and I, while I love women's values and women's rights and all this stuff, I wouldn't necessarily define myself as a feminist in the same way, because I'm definitely more on the traditional values side of things. And You're definitely more on the liberal leaning side, I would say. Yeah, I would say that. But then we're able to find that overlap in the middle of the things that, yeah, we both agree that women should be equal, women should be treated the same, we should have the same opportunities and all these things. How we get to all of that, like you said, may not always be the same, but at the end of the day, we do believe that all people should be treated the same way in our society. Equal no matter what your gender is or your station in life or your season of life, whatever it is, everybody should be treated with value. Yeah. And there's a lot of amazing conversations that I feel like need to be had about. All kinds of different topics when it comes to women's issues and, and being a woman in business. I feel like you and I both met when we're both solo agents in a transition phase a little bit with our businesses. And then obviously in our personal lives as well. And I think because of that foundation of similarities, we've been able to already have. So many conversations about different things that affect us and affect women everywhere. And I am just so excited to continue to have them on this podcast. Like I'm really looking forward to having this space to do that. And with you. Yes, I'm excited. Yeah. I think we both have. This desire to help others and create change, be the changes that you want to see in the world, as they like to say. And since we met, we've both stepped into leadership roles within our company. So you're on the leadership advisory board where you're helping to guide our. CEO and or see about your having these weekly monthly board meetings. Bi weekly, which by the way, it means every other week. Doesn't it seem like it should mean twice a week in your brain or is that just me? Sidenote. It's just you. Okay. Bi weekly. Yeah. And you're really involved with the women of real. Yeah. So the women of real, we have representatives and I think every state. And so I'm one of our state representatives. And so we put together these monthly meetups. We are raising funds for different things. We're just trying to really make an impact in our local community, but also gathering together with women to help encourage and support one another in this business and coming at growing your business, growing your brand from a. Female specific perspective, because I think there's a lot of coaches out there that are really great, but a lot of it is. I think very one dimensional or coming at it from a male perspective. And I cringe at saying that a little bit, but when you see a lot of these coaches, they're like, Oh, you just get up at 4 AM and you just go to the gym and you just do this and you just do that. And they list out all these things. And that's great. Who's taking care of your kids. While you're doing all of that, who is cleaning your house and making your meals when you're doing all of that. And if you're the guy who's married, it's a little bit easier because you have your domestic partner, who's really handling that domestic load. And so for women, maybe a little bit different and yeah, I don't have kids and I'm not married, so I'm dealing with it all on my own, but then we also have the other side of it, of our biology is different. Our hormones are different. There's. It's cycle syncing that we talk about and we have different energy levels throughout the month. So that's some of the stuff that we cover in our local meetups. I don't know what all the other women of real representatives do, but that's something that has brought a lot of value to the gals in my market is how can we. Optimize our brains and our bodies where we are to be the best that we can be instead of trying to Be like everybody else or be like the guys when we aren't like the guys Let's work with what we have so wow, I loved hearing you explain that because I feel like I just learned even more about you and about Your heart and your work in Washington and beyond, that's really exciting to me. I'm going to tell you something, and it might be a little surprising to you and to people listening, and maybe to people who know me. I don't think I was always very comfortable identifying as somebody who's more of a feminist, and I was definitely not always comfortable with so much focus on women's groups, which is interesting because I am of elevating women and I think it's so important for women to have a voice and that's why we're here doing the things that we do and making sure that there's representation and all of that. But it used to make me pretty uncomfortable because in an ideal perfect utopian world, we would just all be equal and have started on an equal playing field. But even in our ideal perfect utopian world, we're Lifetime. And you and I are both in our thirties. There has been a lot of progress and catching up done for elevating women to be on the same level as men. There are still a lot of issues that we face that are really unique to the female experience. And until I started talking about these things more and doing a deep dive into them, I didn't realize how even just exhausting the conversations became among. My male colleagues, my male friends, my male family members, people who I know really support women and want to empower women and who see women as being equal, who just haven't lived their whole life. As a woman and it just wasn't even on their radar a lot of these really like specific things that we face every day that we'll dive into on this podcast so having a space to just show up and share stories and be with other women who just get it. I don't have to sit here and explain myself to you about. The things that I do and why I do the things I do is really important. And then we also, since we are not on an even playing field with men, even though we've made a lot of progress, there are things we need to do to elevate women, because when little girls grow up, if you can see it, you can be it. And I'll tell you when I was growing up, the things that I saw were very different than fortunately what I think. Girls are conditioned to see now and what this guy's my same age grew up seeing. I was raised on Disney princesses that needed saving and this and all these little things that shaped who I am and these little nuances and things that I'm still discovering as I get older. And there's just so many conversations to have. And it's so great to have a safe space to just talk about it freely where everybody understands. Yeah, I think, yes, as a woman, we are able to start from more of the same. Start space versus, okay, let me define things. Let me define some situations to you, other person who did not grow up as a woman. So you don't necessarily understand it, but no, I did not know that about you. I did not know that. You weren't always a feminist or feeling so strongly about women's groups and women's spaces and all that so my jaw did like Internally drop a little bit. It's like wait, who is this former Amber? I had no idea who she was. I probably always was a feminist. But the word, I don't know, feminist Barbie Amber, that's yeah, it's just something that's become more and more important and relevant in my life, especially in the last few years of my life, why it's become honestly, whether I want it to be or not. It's, this is what the, what life has given me. This is what I am here on this earth to do. And the legacy that I want is empowering women and elevating women because of where I'm at and my unique challenges I face and the unique gifts I've been given. And I see a lot of that in you too. So it's so fun that we can team up and create a space to do this together. Yes. I'm excited for it. I think that shared desire to leave a legacy and to have a positive impact on those around us is definitely what's. It's been the catalyst behind all of this. It's, we both got started in real estate 10 years ago, so we've seen some changes throughout the business world, throughout our society. I think a lot of positive changes, honestly, for women, maybe some negative, but that's just the world in life. But for the most part, I think there's been a lot of positive changes. And I don't know if this has been your experience, but I've noticed that, how do I put this? I think. As you're talking about growing up, watching movies, being somewhat conditioned to think in a certain way. I think that's definitely a lot of stuff that I've had to undo in my adult life of what's okay, what's not okay, what I have to put up with, what I don't have to put up with. And. About how I like to, okay, how do I put this? We deal with guys, right? And our DMs who maybe aren't sending us the most appropriate things. So you and I are both pretty active on social media. Yeah. So there's a lot of eyes and everyone knows how the internet works. I don't need to explain it, but okay. The internet works the way that the internet works. So one of the things that I like to do is I like to shame men publicly, who say any inappropriate things, not just like any guy. And I've gone into this story of why I do it. And it's because growing up, I didn't think you were really allowed to say no to people. Like you just had to be nice all the time and you just had to like smile and nod and deal with it. And I had to learn. The hard way that no, like it's okay to say no. Mm-Hmm. It doesn't mean that you're not a nice person. It doesn't mean that you're not kind. That you're allowed to tell somebody, Hey, you're being a creep and I want you to leave me alone. Yeah. And so I just didn't have a lot of women around me in business or in real estate who had that same perspective or who were showing that. And so after going through these experiences. No matter what I go through, I always want to be able to take a learning experience out of it and then be able to help others and empower others. And so we share these stories, we share these experiences because I want to be that person for that other young woman who's coming into the real estate industry or that young woman who's going through life and growing up to let them know, hey, If this happens to you, you're not alone in it, you don't have to put up with it. And here's a way to deal with these things. And it's not just for the young women, it's all women of all ages, whether you're married or single. We've all dealt with some creepy, uncomfortable situations. So Yeah, and it takes, I think, having conversations like this, like, that's definitely something that I also learned later in life, and it wasn't until I started deep diving into some of these conversations with my girlfriends, specifically, where we realized, wow, we really grew up being taught that our job was to make the men around us feel good. feel comfortable, even at our own expense. And that sounds bad. It's not like an anti male bashing thing. It's just like when you really analyze how we're conditioned in society, say a man at a party, maybe makes a sideways comment about what I'm wearing. I might have like, just chuckled it off because I don't want to make anybody uncomfortable. We don't want to make waves. Yeah. We don't want to make waves. But really, we don't need to be doing that, but it blew my mind when I first started having these realizations where it's, wow, I thought I just had to be okay with that when I don't, and how are the ways that we deal with it, and then what are, like, the repercussions of us dealing with that, because it's something, oh, I could talk about forever, I won't get too in the weeds about it, because there's so much to say in further episodes, but, Yeah, I think we could dedicate an entire episode To that, these are all the things that kind of have led into us creating this podcast and why we're wanting to have these conversations and the goal and the mission of the two girls in the market. Yeah, plus everything else. We're a whole lot of fun. One of my favorite things about working with you, Becca, is that I feel like we have similar personalities. We like to make things, keep things lighthearted and funny, but. Also, the conversations that come out of these, we, for example, we like to make funny social media content together. Irreverent, inappropriate reels. Some people would not like them, but other people love them. Yeah, we have the same taste in comedy, but we can also bring out the serious. Side and in a lighter way and share it with people just to put it out there a little bit more because I think the world needs more of it. I think it's a great time to have these conversations. So I think you and I can do it in a fun way. That's going to keep people entertained, keep people a part of the conversation and just be really relatable for a lot of women. Yeah. So speaking of content that we like to make, that's been appropriate. Maybe some people would say it's I'm, I'm professional checking out our reels about dating and all those different things. We're big proponents of your vibe attracts your tribe, right? The content that we put out there, it may not be for everybody. I know my clients laugh at our videos. They think they're great, but other people are like, Oh, that's inappropriate. So I want to share this story with you that I saw on. One of those real estate mastermind groups is on Facebook, which most of them are dumpster fires. Everyone's giving their two cents and it's usually very terrible advice. So if you're a new agent, please don't go to these groups for your advice. It's never going to end up well. Anyways, so this person, I saw this last night. It's like I have to bring this up to Amber tomorrow. So, of course, it's posted anonymously. Okay. Obviously. Yeah. Yeah. So this person says planning on quote, breaking up end quote, with a local lending partner after they made a new year goal post that included goals about their dating life in their business, social media, should I have the conversation that this is tacky, unprofessional and not aligned with the professional values I want to share with our mutual clients or just go some gracefully. So they are worried about their professional ties to somebody who made a post that also talked about their goals in their personal life, specifically dating. Specifically dating. Yeah. And I wonder if it was maybe a goal, a health goal or something, if that would have felt so inappropriate to the other person. For me, this is something newer that I'm dealing with. So I think the old ways of doing marketing, at least in my business. For real estate was very stale and very much like here is a house that I have for sale, just listed, just sold this and that. It wasn't about anything other than the dry stuff. And now I feel like the way of modern marketing, and at least the way that you and I have embraced it. And a lot of people, particularly maybe at our company or people who do different types of marketing, maybe who are bigger on social media or in different spaces. We actually use a lot of, if it's not exactly our personal lives, it's a lot of things that play off of our personal lives. Inspired by. Inspired by, exactly. For example, you and I have made a good amount of content. Playing off of the hilarious similarities between our dating lives, the parallels, dating lives and the real estate market, the dating market and the real estate market. And there's endless parallels. It's something we've bonded over and we've made silly content that some people might think is an inappropriate way to market a real estate business. But I personally think it just shows my personality, your personality, and I've gotten great feedback from it. So I think it's pretty. funny that this person feels like they need to break ties because somebody brought up something in their personal life. I do think there is like A line though. If you get a little too much of your personal life and you're not, obviously if you're being unethical, that's an absolute no. If you're oversharing or you're not doing it in a high quality way, I think there are ways that might be a no for me, but just sharing about your dating life goal, that's just keeping it real and relatable. Yeah, I'm trying to think of what would be considered an unprofessional. Dating goal, would it be like, I want to date 200 people this year? Like when does something become unprofessional? Yeah, I, I think that is going to be different to the individual. I could certainly like name off some things right now that I think would be completely unprofessional, but it's also you, you're not for everybody. And I'm not for everybody. We got to find people that are marketing aligned to us. So these people are clearly not a good match and that's okay. Yeah, that's okay. But. That's going to be really to the individual. There are some people who think it's very important to them to not use certain words that we have deemed in our language are bad words. And so they would never put that in their marketing. And some people, I'm talking about real estate people in particular, but I'm sure in any industry, you go on there, you, YouTube channel and it's dropping F bombs left and right. And that's just part of who they are as a person and part of their brand. And probably people who work with them are just fine with that. Is that inappropriate or is that not? It's up to the individual, what you think is appropriate or not. But I think if you are acting in an ethical way, you're serving your clients, it's high quality. That is a more subjective thing for sure. I ended up finding. What that gal actually posted. Oh partner. She was tagged in the comments. Let me tell you this group went off on the anonymous poster so it's probably good that they posted it anonymously that This is what she said. She said kissing 2023. Goodbye and embracing 2024 Here are a few things close to my heart that I'm genuinely looking forward to One planning some awesome family getaways with my kiddos. Can't wait for those unforgettable moments to taking a leap and putting revolution mortgage on the map in coastal Virginia, stepping out of my comfort zone, but ready for the challenge. Three diving back into the dating world. Wish me luck. It's time for some new adventures and connections. Here's to a year of growth and good vibes. Oh, that's, she just said she's dating, diving back into the dating world, and that's Diving back in. Honestly, so tacky. So unprofessional. I just Wow. I can't believe that this person wrote that. Interesting. Yeah, no, I don't see anything unprofessional about that. You don't need to share about your dating life if you don't want to, but that was certainly, you would have thought, and she was naming off the amount of I don't know. Yeah. I don't know what I don't know what would be considered unprofessional or tacky with it. Yeah, there's a lot of well, there's like a lot of like planning on dating all of my clients this year. Maybe don't share that part Your clients at the same time That's interesting it just goes to show you there is a big Disconnect with people and there's a lot of ways to do marketing too. So this is the conversation Both about, I think gender issues and about modern marketing, but that's fascinating. I can't believe that's all she put and so many, it's all people came in the comments, but Mm-Hmm. But yeah, that's Facebook for you though too. I think it just goes to show that, like you said before, you're not gonna be for everybody and that's okay. You should do what is right for you, what's authentic when it comes to your marketing, when it comes to your dating life and when it comes to your business. However it is that you choose to do it, do make sense for you. And who cares what these guys say. Yep. That's right. And just remember, we're all just navigating this world together. Becca and I are on this journey in real estate. Probably most of you are in real estate too. I'm excited to share more stories like this and deep dive into them and also just talk about all of our triumphs that we've had, all of the challenges that we've had and really the magic that can come from women growing together professionally and supporting each other in their personal lives. And that's really what this podcast is all about. Yes. This has been fun. I can't wait till the next one and we'll see you guys next week. Yeah. And just remember whether you are closing a deal in the real estate world or maybe in your personal life. I don't know. I don't know whether it's stealing. Wherever you're at in life, we're all just girls in the market and we're here to do it together and break barriers. So keep shining everyone. See y'all next week. Bye. Bye.